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아래는 White House (백익관) 홈페이지 Briefing Room에서 찾아낸 한미 공동 성명서 전문이다.


The two leaders decided to continue the Alliance’s work to expeditiously enable the conditions-based transfer of wartime operational control of ROK forces.

전시 조건부 작전권이양을 “expeditiously” 하게 할 수 있도록 한다는 부분이 있다.

전시작전권 이양이 뭐가 그리 급하다고 이렇게 “expeditious”하게 서둘러야 할까?

미군이 DMZ 방어에서 빠지고 평택으로 기지를 옮기면서 인계철선이 사라진 마당에 전시 작전권을 한국국에게 이양 한다는 것은 얼핏 보기에는 주권국가의 자존심으로 봐서 당연 한 것 같지만 전시 작전권이 한국군에 이양 되고 한미 연합사가 해체 된다면 만일의 경우 전쟁이 발발했을 때 미군이 과연 한미 방위조약대로 한국 방어를 위해 전력을 기울일까?

구남부 베트남이 파리 평화협정을 맺은 후  미국과의 방위 조약이 있었음에도 불구하고 어떤 결과가 되었는지 하는 것이 참고로 해 볼 필요가 있다.

국가의 안위에 관한 문제는 자존심을 내세울 문제가 아니라고 본다.

자존심을 앞세워 전시 작전권을 우리가 가져 오겠다는 것은 자력 국방을 할 수 잇는 경제적 사회적 군사적 여건이 갖추어 져 있을 때의 문제 이고 비록 자력국방이 가능 하더라도 만일의 경우에 대비 힘센 친구를 우군으로 할 수 있으면 동맹을 맺어 2중, 3중으로 울타리를 치는 것이 바람직하다.

국가의 흥망이 달린 전쟁에는 패자 부활전이 없다.  우리가 동원 할 수 있는 모든 수단을 동원해서 국가와 국민들을 지키는 것이 지도자의 할 일이라고 생각한다.

거듭 말하지만 우리가 사대주의를 하자는 것이 아니라  "용미, 화중, 그리고 우일"이라는 한반도의  지경학적,지정학적 정세에 지혜롭게 대처해야 한다.


June 30, 2017

Joint Statement between the United States and the Republic of Korea

President Donald J. Trump hosted President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea (ROK) at the White House on June 29 and 30 in order to advance the comprehensive strategic Alliance between the United States and the ROK and to deepen the two countries’ friendship. Since its founding, the Alliance has served as a linchpin for security, stability, and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula, in the Asia Pacific region, and increasingly around the world. As we mark the 67th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War, the commitment of the United States to the ROK’s defense remains ironclad. President Trump reaffirmed that the United States will defend the ROK against any attack and both presidents remain committed to jointly addressing the threat posed by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). Built on mutual trust and shared values of freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, the United States-ROK partnership has never been stronger, and the two leaders pledged to build an even greater Alliance going forward.

Strengthening the United States-ROK Alliance

The two leaders affirmed the Alliance’s fundamental mission to defend the ROK through a robust combined defense posture and the enhancement of mutual security based on the United States-ROK Mutual Defense Treaty. President Trump reiterated the United States commitment to provide extended deterrence to the ROK, drawing on the full range of United States military capabilities, both conventional and nuclear. Regular dialogue channels, such as the Security Consultative Meeting and the Military Committee Meeting, are instrumental in deepening our Alliance. The two leaders decided to continue the Alliance’s work to expeditiously enable the conditions-based transfer of wartime operational control of ROK forces. The ROK will continue to acquire the critical military capabilities necessary to lead the combined defense, and detect, disrupt, destroy, and defend against the DPRK’s nuclear and missile threats, including through interoperable Kill-Chain, Korean Air and Missile Defense (KAMD), and other Alliance systems.

The two leaders reaffirmed the Alliance’s commitment to counter the growing threat to peace and security posed by the DPRK’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs. To increase coordination on Alliance issues, the leaders committed the foreign affairs and defense agencies of the two countries to regularize a “2+2” ministerial meeting, as well as a high-level Extended Deterrence Strategy and Consultation Group to employ all elements of national power to strengthen extended deterrence.

Maintaining Lock-Step Coordination on our Policy regarding the DPRK

President Trump and President Moon pledged to continue to coordinate closely to achieve our shared goal of complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner. The two leaders called on the DPRK to refrain from provocative, destabilizing actions and rhetoric, and to make the strategic choice to fulfill its international obligations and commitments. The two leaders affirmed that the DPRK’s nuclear tests and unprecedented number of ballistic missile tests constitute direct violations of multiple United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs) and highlight the accelerating threat the DPRK’s missile programs pose to international peace and security. They affirmed their commitment to fully implement existing sanctions and impose new measures designed to apply maximum pressure on the DPRK and compel Pyongyang to cease its provocative actions and return to sincere and constructive talks. The two leaders also urged all UN member states to swiftly and fully implement UNSCR obligations and took note, with appreciation, of constructive actions by some countries around the world to exert diplomatic and economic pressure on the DPRK to return to credible negotiations on denuclearization.  They noted the important role China could play to this end. In addition, the two sides committed to enhance cooperation to combat the DPRK’s dangerous and destabilizing malicious cyber activity.

Noting that sanctions are a tool of diplomacy, the two leaders emphasized that the door to dialogue with the DPRK remains open under the right circumstances. In reaffirming that resolution of the nuclear issue is a top priority for both countries, the two leaders emphasized that the United States and the ROK do not maintain a hostile policy toward the DPRK and, together with the rest of the international community, stand ready to offer a brighter future for the DPRK, if it chooses the right path.  The two sides will closely coordinate on a joint the DPRK policy, including efforts to create conditions necessary for denuclearization talks, through a high-level strategic consultation mechanism.

President Trump supported the ROK’s leading role in fostering an environment for peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula.

The two leaders expressed deep concern about the well-being of the DPRK’s people, particularly in light of the egregious human rights violations and abuses committed against them by the government, and noted their intention to ensure sanctions have minimal impact on the DPRK’s vulnerable populations. President Trump expressed support for President Moon’s aspiration to restart inter-Korean dialogue on issues, including humanitarian affairs. The two leaders reaffirmed the importance of cooperating with the international community to hold the DPRK accountable for substantial progress on the deplorable human rights situation in that country.

The two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to promote regional relations and enhance United States-ROK-Japan trilateral cooperation. The two leaders affirmed that trilateral security and defense cooperation contributes to enhanced deterrence and defense against the DPRK threat. They decided to further develop this cooperation, using established bilateral and trilateral mechanisms. They also underscored the importance of leveraging the United States-ROK-Japan trilateral relationship to address global challenges such as cancer research, energy security, women’s empowerment, and cybersecurity. President Trump and President Moon decided to discuss further ways to enhance trilateral cooperation together with Prime Minister Abe of Japan at the upcoming United States-ROK-Japan Trilateral Summit on the margins of the G20 in July.

Advancing Fair Trade to Promote Economic Growth

President Trump and President Moon committed to foster expanded and balanced trade while creating reciprocal benefits and fair treatment between the two countries. In that regard, the two sides further committed to fostering a truly fair and level playing field, including working together to reduce the global overcapacity of such basic materials as steel and non-tariff barriers to trade.

Both sides pledged to work together, as part of the process of the Commercial Dialogue, to promote investment, support entrepreneurs, and facilitate cooperation between the United States and the ROK to boost economic growth and job creation in both countries.

Enhancing Bilateral Cooperation on Other Economic Opportunities

Both sides also committed to work together through the Senior Economic Dialogue to promote and expand cooperation on other economic issues and to explore the enhancement of economic opportunities through a joint public-private forum. Given the roles of science, technology, and innovation in driving economic growth, the two countries will enhance cooperation in cybersecurity, information and communication technology, and civil space technology. Highlighting the important economic role women play in their societies, the two sides pledged to launch a bilateral partnership to advance women’s economic empowerment.

Actively Collaborating as Global Partners

President Trump and President Moon affirmed that United States-ROK cooperation on global issues is an indispensable and expanding aspect of the Alliance. With respect to global health security collaboration, the two leaders affirmed their support in helping partner countries prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats. The two leaders condemned the grave human suffering and violence in Iraq and Syria caused by ISIS, and reaffirmed the strong United States-ROK partnership in the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. President Trump welcomed the ROK’s commitment to increase humanitarian assistance to countries most affected by terrorism and violent extremism, including its pledge to provide 10 million United States dollars for Iraq this year. The two sides underscored the importance of joint efforts by the international community, including the United States and the ROK, to rebuild peace and stability in Afghanistan, and pledged to continue to work together to support the Afghan people and government.

Future of the Alliance

The two leaders shared the view that strong and dynamic ties between our two countries are the foundation of the United States-ROK Alliance. They decided to advance future-oriented cooperation through high-level consultations in the areas of economy and trade, renewable and nuclear energy, science and technology, space, environment, health, and defense technology. President Trump and President Moon affirmed that the United States and the ROK will work together to support and uphold the rules-based order in the Asia-Pacific region. The two leaders affirmed that the strength of the United States-ROK Alliance serves as testament to the power of freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, and acknowledged that the future of the two countries is linked through people-to-people ties, with more than 1.7 million Korean Americans in the United States, hundreds of thousands of Americans visiting and working in the ROK each year, and close ties created through cultural programs and student and professional exchanges. President Trump and President Moon heralded the exemplary nature of the United States-ROK Alliance, from strengthening our security by deterring and defending against the DPRK threat, enhancing strong regional relations, and advancing our economic relationship and expanding our global partnership. Both leaders expressed their expectation that the friendship and partnership between the two countries will continue to strengthen and grow for many decades to come.

President Moon invited President Trump to visit the ROK in 2017; President Trump gladly accepted the invitation. The two leaders will continue to discuss issues of mutual interests on various occasions, including during international multilateral conferences.

박대통령 도미 치료하게 하라

17-07-06 (목) 08:50

샌프란시스코의 유력 온라인 매체 SFnewsfeed지는 6월 21일 국제 논평을 통해 최근  Otto Wambier 가 겪은   금찍한 사태로 격노하는 미국시민들의 정서를 자세히 논술하였다.

  특히   한국의 긴장사태와  함께 THAAD 의 즉각배치 촉구, 박근혜대통령의 극심한 지병과 감당키 힘든 정치재판과정 등을 통해 정치보복성 재판을 자세히 다루었으며,  미국의 크리스챤 시민들은  박근혜대통령을 즉각  미국의 저명한 세계적인 종합병원으로 초청케하여,   긴급한치료와  함께 안정적인 거주를 갖도록 트럼프 대통령에게 청원하였으며,  앰네스티 인터내셔날, 유엔 인권 위원회와 미국의 각  교계 국회, 언론에 다방면으로  청원에 참여케 할것을  밝혔다.

헌법절차의 위헌논란이 되어져,석연치 않게 탄핵된 박대통령탄핵문제와  함께  전직대통령의  구속 과 가혹한 재판에 대하여,     정치적 인  인권탄압이라는설명과   함께   박근혜대통령의 즉각 석방등을 요구하는  자세한 기사로  논평하였다.

 텍사스 베일러 대학교 교육학 교수인 Karen Clemons교수는

" 미국시민들은 한국의 민주주의 가치를 수호한 박근혜대통령을 미국으로 오게해서좋은치료로 속히 회복되게 하자며,

트럼프대통령에게 청원하여 한국의 지도자들이  이일에 함께 도울수 있도록 기도하겠다"며

미국의 크리스챤 지도자로서 당연히  이일에 강력히 촉구하며, 동참하여야 한다"고  인터뷰를 했다.


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