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뉴올리언스 시장은 아마도 수천명이 사망한 것 같다고 말했다. 그의 말이 정확하다면 이는 1906년 샌프란시스코 지진이래 최악의 재앙이다. 약50만의 인구가 살고있는 도시의 80%가 침수되었으며 아직도 5만내지 10만명의 주민이 남겨져 있으며, 2,3개월안에 도시기능을 회복하기 어려울 전망이며 도피한 주민들도 1,2개월내에는 돌아가지 못할 것이다.
(다음은 원문)

New Orleans mayor says thousands may be dead

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Hurricane Katrina probably killed thousands of people in New Orleans, the mayor said Wednesday — an estimate that, if accurate, would make the storm the nation"s deadliest natural disaster since at least the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

"We know there is a significant number of dead bodies in the water," and other people dead in attics, Mayor Ray Nagin said. Asked how many, he said: "Minimum, hundreds. Most likely, thousands."

The frightening estimate came as Army engineers struggled to plug New Orleans" breached levees with giant sandbags and concrete barriers, while authorities drew up plans to clear out the tens of thousands of people left in the Big Easy and all but abandon the flooded-out city. Many of the evacuees — including thousands now staying in the Superdome — will be moved to the Astrodome in Houston, 350 miles away.

There will be a "total evacuation of the city. We have to. The city will not be functional for two or three months," Nagin said. And he said people will not be allowed back into their homes for at least a month or two. (Related story: Congress poised to send billions)

Nagin estimated 50,000 to 100,000 people remained in New Orleans, a city of nearly half a million people. He said 14,000 to 15,000 a day could be evacuated.
-usatoday 05-08-31

<관련 미가608 메시지>


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